Variable Saving and Loading

Last Updated: 02-Oct-19

These actions read data from WMI, storing the value in a variable, or write data to WMI.

The WMIRead action reads data from WMI in one of two ways:

  1. Using a WMI Query Language (WQL) query.
  2. Directly from a specified WMI class. In both cases, the action uses the first instance returned from WMI to populate the designated variable. For the second method, you can specify a key qualifier property/value expression specific to the desired WMI class to return only the data from the instance that matches that value.

When writing data, the WMIWrite action creates WMI namespaces and classes if necessary.

The following snippet queries WMI for the model of the system.

<Action Type="WMIRead" Namespace="root\cimv2" Class="Win32_ComputerSystem" Property="model" Variable="csmodel" />

The following snippet queries WMI for the state of the Windows Update Service.

<Action Type="WMIRead" Variable="WUAUServiceState" Namespace="root\cimv2" Class="Win32_Service" KeyQualifier='Name="wuauserv"' Property="State"/>

The following snippet does the following:

  1. Opens or creates the root\ITlocal WMI namespace.
  2. Creates the Local_Config WMI class if it does not exist.
  3. Creates or updates an instance of the Local_Config class by setting the ComputerName and Tier values to the specified values. If an object already exists with the same key property value, then this overwrites the values in that object.
<Action Type="WMIWrite" Namespace="root\ITLocal" Class="Local_Config" >
  <Property Name="ComputerName" Type="CIM_STRING" Value="%ComputerName%" Key="True"/>
  <Property Name="Tier" Type="CIM_UINT8" Value="%Tier%" Key="False"/>