Active Directory Checks

Last Updated: 20-Feb-21 UI++ can check the value of an InputText item within an Input interactive action against Active Directory. This check determines whether or not a user or computer object exists in Active Directory with a name based on the value entered by the user. UI++ uses the credentials of the user authenticated in a preceding UserAuth interactive action to perform these checks.

There are four possible checks, as summarized in the following table.

Check name Validation Result if false
Computer Checks if a computer object does not exist with the specified name Failure
ComputerWarning Checks if a computer object does not exist with the specified name Warning
User Checks if a user object exists with the specified name Failure
UserWarning Checks if a user object exists with the specified name Warning

UI++ performs the check when the user presses the next button on the Input dialog. For failures, UI++ does not dismiss the dialog and forces the user to change the field’s value. For warnings, UI++ does not dismiss the dialog but allows the user to press the next button to continue. In both cases, UI++ displays a status message indicating an issue and also flags the field.

Only one InputText item per Input interactive action dialog should be marked for validation by UI++. If multiple are flagged in the configuration, only the last field is actually validated.

The following example displays a Input interactive action dialog with three fields. UI++ validates the value of the third field against Active Directory. If a computer object already exists in Active Directory with this name, UI++ display a warning to the end user but allows them to continue by pressing the next button again.

<Action Type="Input" Name="Input1" Title="System Information" >
  <TextInput Prompt="Primary Administrator" Hint="Enter the name of primary administrator for this system" RegEx=".*" Variable="PrimaryAdmin" Question="Primary administrator for this system" />
  <TextInput Prompt="Primary Application or Role" Hint="Enter the name of the primary application on or role for this system" RegEx=".*" Variable="PrimaryApp" Question="Primary application or role for this system" Required="False"/>
  <TextInput Prompt="System Name" Hint="Enter the name for this system" RegEx="[/w/d-]{3-15}" Variable="SystemName" Question="System Name" Required="True" ADValidate="ComputerWarning"/>