Status Messages

Last Updated: 20-Feb-21 UI++ displays status messages near the bottom of interactive action dialogs in various scenarios to relay information to the interactive user. You can customize these messages by supplying alternate text in the configuration XML.

The following table lists the status messages that UI++ supports for customization.

Message Id Action Time shown Default
COMPUTEREXISTS Input When a computer object with the entered name already exist and the AdValidate attribute is set to Computer. A computer with this name already exists. Please try another name.
COMPUTEREXISTSWARNING Input When a computer object with the entered name already exist and the AdValidate attribute is set to ComputerWarning. A computer with this name already exists but you may continue.
USERDOESNOTEXIST Input When a user object with the entered name does not exist and the AdValidate attribute is set to User. A user with this name does not exist. Please try another name.
USERDOESNOTEXISTWARNING Input When a user object with the entered name does not exist and the AdValidate attribute is set to UserWarning. A user with this name does not exist but you may continue.
AUTHENTICATING UserAuth When UI++ is authenticating the entered user’s credentials. Authenticating…
PREFLIGHTFAILED Preflight When any preflight checks failed. Please check and correct the failed checks above.
PREFLIGHTPASSED Preflight When all preflight checks passed. All checks successfully passed.
PREFLIGHTPASSEDWITHWARNING Preflight When no preflight checks failed. All checks successfully passed although there are warnings.

The following configuration file example shows how to do this.

<UIpp ... >
    <Message Id="COMPUTEREXISTS">Sorry, a computer already exists with that name. Please try another name.</Message>
    <Message Id="COMPUTEREXISTSWARNING">Warning, a computer with this name already exists but you may continue if desired.</Message>
    <Message Id="AUTHENTICATING">Now authenticating user ...</Message>