The Back Button

Last Updated: 07-Oct-19

The back button gives UI++ the ability to move backward in the sequence of dialogs shown. You can selectively add the back button to an interactive dialog action by adding the ShowBack attribute and setting it to True. For example, enabling the back button on an Input action would look something like this:

<Action Type="Input" Name="ClientSetupInput" Title="Client Setup" ShowBack="True">

You can add a back button to the following interactive actions:

If an interactive action is the first dialog shown, UI++ does not show the back button on the action’s dialog regardless of the value of the ShowBack attribute.

Going back preserves all of the user’s previous entries or selections with a few exceptions:

  • For UserAuth actions, UI++ only preserves the domain; UI++ clears the user name and password.
  • For PreFlight actions, there’s nothing to preserve, and all checks are re-run.
  • For AppTree actions, UI++ selects all occurrences of a selected software item; i.e., if the tree shows an application or package multiple times in different locations and the user chooses one, UI++ selects all of them upon returning to the AppTree interactive dialog action.

Keep in mind though that the user must press the Next button on an interactive dialog for UI++ to preserve any entered information or selections.

Going back jumps directly to the previous interactive action dialog that was shown and does not execute any intermediary actions; this includes skipping interactive actions that UI++ previously skipped because a condition prevented them from being shown in the first place. Using the back button does not affect the normal forward flow of actions in UI++. UI++ preserves all user entries and selections with the same exceptions as noted above.